This guy is convinced.
In the 80's my family belonged to an overactive hyper-patriotic Buddhist group. Much of our energy was spent putting on public performances in hopes of converting people to our cause. Though an unusual childhood, it allowed me to do things such as — perform at Madison Square Gardens in front of 25k people and be part of a six-story human pyramid on roller skates (I swear this is true, sorry no pictures).
The downside was that we were so focused, that we missed out on a lot the "normal stuff". Like when we went to NY I spent all my time rehearsing and never saw the Empire State Building or Times Square. We didn't eat a pizza or take the subway. Honestly, I'm not complaining. I have more awesome stories from that time period than most people I know.
Long story short. I went to NY. I did all the stuff I didn't do when I was a kid. And it was awesome (not as awesome as performing in front of 25k) but still, it was pretty cool.