
Mental meanderings and digital doodles of a wanna be visual artist.

Bombay Sapphire - Lighting

Recently, I was asked how I recreated an iconic photo of Bombay Sapphire. So, I thought give a brief overview of how I did it. Each photo represents a portion of the composite and was specifically lit to get the exact piece I was looking for. I used a Canon speed light, Youngnou remote triggers, 24 inch soft box, Honl grid, spray bottle, dry ice, and a square piece of solid black plastic for the table top. And I twice purchased a bottle of Bombay Gin, because a house guest opened the bottle to make a martini before I was done (true story, LOL).

Lighting - The first photo was lit using a light box (with grid) placed about a foot away from the bottle. The second photo was lit using a Honl grid pressed against the back of the bottle to establish the “glow”. The next two shots - I spent some time messing around with dry ice to get the right look. The smoke was lit with the same set up as the “glow lighting, but with the flash a few inches from the bottle. In the last photo removed the Bombay, sprayed the plastic, and took several exposures, using the Honl grid to light the droplets. 

The rest of the work was done in Photoshop. If you’d like to know how I did that, drop me an email.